**Grade Companion(tm) by ETS Software** Grade Companion v1.0 is a full featured gradebook program developed by teachers. it was professionally written in C++. Create custom reports and charts, set up files, and copy info from other files using Wizards like you've seen in other programs like Microsoft Word. This is a simple yet powerful program that will print the most professional register page you'll ever see. Don't miss this five star program for Windows 3.1 and Win95. Thank you for downloading Grade Companion. You will not be sorry you did. This is guaranteed. You may install Grade Companion from any directory you choose. I recommend unzipping it to a floppy disk and installing it from there. After installation, read the help file and be sure and look at the section called A Quick Tour of Grade Companion. It will take you on a quick look at the power of Grade Companion and will show you everything necessary to get started quick. Contact ETS Software at the following locations should you experience any difficulties: E-Mail singler@Traveller.COM Fax/voice mail 1-800-621-7188 (205) 497-7684 in the Birmingham, Alabama area Mail ETS Software 3275 Allison-Bonnett Memorial Drive Suite #428 Hueytown, AL 35023 World Wide Web Home Page http://www.bhm.tis.net/~singler/index.htm Please, share Grade Companion will all your fellow teachers. Vendors and other distributors, please read VENDOR.DOC before distributing this program.